Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Why It's Important to Declare Baby When Booking Accommodation

I know it's common practice in countries like the Philippines for people to book the smallest and cheapest possible room and not declare the correct number of guests, especially if those extra guests are children. Hotel rooms tend to be quite expensive, and paying for extra people would definitely rack up the bill. 

But why is it important to declare babies when booking a hotel room when they take up very little space anyway? We have to keep in mind that not because some establishments tend to not follow rules, doesn't mean others do the same.  

Some countries/cities have very strict rules when it comes to maximum occupancy. I remember a few years ago, when I was at a cafe somewhere in Los Angeles, our group asked one of the staff if we could put another table outside since all the tables were occupied. We were told that they couldn't add more tables because of the strict maximum occupancy rule. 

I know this has nothing to do with hotel rooms, but the same rule applies. Also, I read in a parenting forum that it is important for the hotel to know the exact number of guests in case of a catastrophe  for insurance purposes, and in case of an emergency - for first and fire responders.

The only thing I don't get, however, is why charge so much when you include a baby. 

I found this out, firsthand, while booking an apartment in Lisbon. The same apartment costs PHP 10,000.00 (USD 196) more for 3 nights with 6 adults and 1 infant than it is for just 6 adults. Why is that?

I really wish someone would enlighten me. Although, despite the added cost, it is still vital to declare the correct number of guests. You wouldn't want the hotel or apartment staff to turn you away now, would you? Where would you go? 

Remember, you're on holiday to relax, have fun, spend time with loved ones, enjoy good food, and immerse in local culture. Don't ruin it because you want to save a couple of hundred dollars.

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